ThestatementwasinresponsetoinquiriesfollowingareportthatMicrosoftCorp., theworld'slargestsoftwaremaker, filedwiththeU.S. Securities and ExchangeCommission.(The Korea Herald)이번성명서발표는세계최대의소프트웨어메이커인 MS가미증권거래위원회 (SEC)에제출한보고서내용이보도된이후에나온것이다.
An Study on the Present Situation of the Standand Cost Managements of the Listed Manufacturing Companies on the Korea Stock ExchangeCommission(RISS)상장제조기업의 표준원가관리 현황에 관한 연구
LG.PhilipsLCDCo., theworld'ssecond-largestmakerofliquid-crystal-displaypanels, planstoraiseas much as $1.2billionfromaninitial public offeringnextmonth, according toitsfilingtotheU.S. Securities and ExchangeCommissiononThursday.(The Korea Herald)세계 2위의액정화면제조업체인LG필립스 LCD가목요일에미국증권거래위원회에신고한내용에따르면동사는다음달에있을기업공개에서 12억불을조성할계획이다.
The new leadership of the company has been in contact with a number of law enforcement organizations, including the U.S. Attorney’s Office, the U.S. Securities and ExchangeCommission, and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.(Teentimes)이 회사의 새 지도부는 미국 검찰청, 미국 증권거래위원회, 그리고 상품선물거래위원회를 포함한 많은 법 집행 기관들과 접촉해 왔다.