Studies on the Natural Mortality of the Young Short Necked Clam, Tapes japonica-I. Seaonal Variation of the tidal Temperature, Sainity , and the Effect of Overflowing Fresh Water on the Subterranean Salinity of the Tidal Flat at LowTide(RISS)바지락 치패의 폐사에 관한 연구-I 간척지의 간출시에 있어서의 온도, 염분변화와 유입하천수의 지하염분에 미치는 영향
Becausewe'dbeenheldupinRussia, of course, thefull moonbringsthehighestandlowesttides; whenyou'restandingonthefrozen surfaceofthesea, high and lowtidesgenerallymeanthatinterestingthingsaregoingtohappentheiceisgoingtostartmovingarounda bit.(TED)저희들이러시아에서꼼작못하고있었기때문에벌써 밀물과썰물의차이가가장높은보름달이된것이죠. 얼어붙은바다표면에서 있으면밀물이나썰물이생길때 흥미있는현상이일어나는데그것은발밑에있는얼음이조금씩움직인다는것입니다.