Articles : Natural Products,OrganicChemistry ; The Anticancer Effect of Extracts from Vitex rotundifolia on Human Colon Carcinoma Cell Lines(RISS)천연물,유기합성 : 대장암 세포주에 대한 만형자 (Vitex rotundifolia) 추출물의 항암 효과
And sothereallycoolbitis, the ideaisthatwewantto haveauniversal setofinksthatweput outwiththeprinter, andyoudownloadtheblueprint, theorganicchemistryforthatmoleculeandyoumake it inthedevice.(TED)정말멋있는부분은, 프린터와함께배포할수있는범용잉크가있었으면하는생각입니다. 설계도를내려받은다음, 그분자에해당하는잉크를사용해서프린터를이용해 장치를만들수있는것이죠.
Articles : Natural Products,OrganicChemistry ; Development of Biologically Active Compounds from Edible Plant Sources-X. Isolation of Lipids from the Flower of Campsis grandiflora K. Schum. and their Inhibitory Effect on FPTase(RISS)천연물,유기합성 : 식용 식물자원으로부터 활성물질의 탐색-X. 능소화 (Campsis grandiflora K. Schum.)로부터 지질화합물의 분리 및 FPTase 저해 효과 측정