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사전 본문

  • ice cream or water ice on a small wooden stick
미국[pάpsikl] 듣기 반복듣기
영국[pɔ́p-] 듣기 반복듣기



ice cream or water ice on a small wooden stick

  • in England a popsicle is called an ice lolly 듣기

ice lolly,lolly,lollipop


다음사전 앱
  • It was called an "ice cake,"which was in the form of a simple popsicle. Junior Edu times 소리듣기 그것 단순한 빙과류 모양 하고 있었으며 "아이스"라고 불렸다.
  • Before the frozen treat became known as the Popsicle, it was called the Eppsicle. NE TIMES 소리듣기 냉동 간식 팝시클 알려지기 에는 불렸다.
  • Yes, those are popsicle sticks, and there's a rubber band at the top. TED 소리듣기 저건 아이스크림 막대예요. 위로 고무줄 썼습니다.
  • Frank had accidentally invented the worlds first popsicle! Kidstimes 소리듣기 프랭크 우연히 세계 최초 아이스 캔디 발명했습니다!
  • It was an egg-shaped popsicle. NE TIMES 소리듣기 이것 달걀 모양 아이스 캔디였다.

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