The Moral Significance of Yi(義) in the Xunzi(荀子): Focusing on the aspects of making distinctions or differentiations(fen 分), controlling desires(jie 節) and following the principle(xunli 循理)(RISS)논문 : 『순자(荀子)』의 "의(義)"의 윤리학적 함의-분(分), 절(節), 순리(循理)의 관점에서
A Comparative study of ‘Pansori(판소리)’ and ‘Setkyo-bushi(說經節)ㆍJoruri(淨瑠璃)’ - Focusing on the developing phases of their literary history -(RISS)판소리와 설경절ㆍ정유리의 비교연구 - 문학사 전개양상을 중심으로 -