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사전 본문

  • a recommended candidate


a recommended candidate.


다음사전 앱
  • He was nominated for the presidency[Br. E. leadership] of the party./He was nominated as party president[chairman/Br. E. leader] of the party. 소리듣기 당의 총재 후보 추천되었다 (→총재)
  • I would like to nominate Mr. Han for the presidency./I would like to propose Mr. Han as president. 소리듣기 선생 회장 후보 추천하고 싶다 (→추천하다)
  • The committee reportedly plans to hold a plenary meeting Tuesday to shortlist candidates. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기 후보추천 이르면 5 전체회의 열어 후보군 압축할 으로 알려졌다.
  • At least 10 civic groups, also including the People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy and the Citizens' Movement for Environmental Justice, have joined the campaign against Hwang's nomination. The Korea Herald 소리듣기 참여연대, 환경정의시민연대 최소한 10 시민사회단체들 교수 대한 노벨상 후보 추천 움직임 반대하는 캠페인 참가했다.
  • The Supreme Court chief justice oversees the entire process of justice appointment, ranging from the formation of a justice candidate recommendation committee to referral of recommendations to parliament. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기 대법원장 대법관후보추천위원회 구성에서부터 임명제청까지의 과정 총괄한다.

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