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사전 본문

  • power to direct or determine
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영국[kəntróul] 듣기 반복듣기



유의어 76건
  • direction a line leading to a place or point
  • supervision management by overseeing the performance or operation of a person or group
  • handicap the condition of being unable to perform as a consequence of physical or mental unfitness
  • hamper a restraint that confines or restricts freedom
  • guidance something that provides direction or advice as to a decision or course of action


다음사전 앱
  • Those who support government regulation of health believe that many people don't have the self-control to do it themselves. Edu times 소리듣기 정부 건강 규제 지지하는 사람들 많은 사람들 자신들 스스로 통제할 자기 통제력 없다고 믿는다.
  • However, the basic formula of a petroleum-powered, human-controlled machine has never been seriously challenged. Edu times 소리듣기 그러나 석유 사용하고 사람 조종하는 기계라는 기본적 공식 심각한 도전 이루어진 적은 없었다.
  • Researchers say that it is self-control that determines how successful a person can be in life. Junior Edu times 소리듣기 연구원들 사람 인생에서 얼마나 성공 있는지를 결정하는 자제력이라고 말한다.
  • In these times, TV shows about the army are providing a sense of security, comfort as well as power and control for people. Edu times 소리듣기 이러 군대 대한 방송 프로그램 사람들에게 안전감 실어주고 있다.
  • With self-control, people are less distracted and are more successful in achieving goals. Junior Edu times 소리듣기 자제력 가지고 사람들 정신 산란해지 목표 달성하는데 성공적이다.

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