FewquestionKorea'sabilitytoserviceitsexternaldebtsofmore than $380 billion. Ithasmore than $300 billioninforeign exchangereserves.코리아타임즈소리듣기한국이 3800억불이넘는외채에대한이자를지불할능력이있는지묻는사람은거의없다. 한국의외환보유고는 3천억달러를돌파하고있다.
The Break-up of the former Soviet Union and State Succession with particular reference to its externaldebtRISS소리듣기구소련(舊蘇聯)의 분렬(分裂)과 국가상속(國家相續) -구소련(舊蘇聯)의 외채문제(外債問題)를 중심(中心)으로-
Problems of the Latinamerican External Debts and Brady BondsRISS소리듣기중남미 외채문제와 브래디 본드
The Break-up of the former Soviet Union and State Succession with particular reference to its externaldebtRISS소리듣기구소련의 분열과 국가상속