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사전 본문

  • a putout of a base runner who is required to run



a putout of a base runner who is required to run; the putout is accomplished by holding the ball while touching the base to which the runner must advance before the runner reaches that base

force out,forceout,force


다음사전 앱
  • While the rainy weather was not bad enough to force play to cease, it was still a major hindrance to the players. Teentimes 소리듣기 비가 경기 중단해야 만큼 많이 내리지는 않았지만 선수들에게는 분명한 방해 되었다.
  • a force play at second base (→force play) 소리듣기 2루에서 봉살.
  • Also, Yao has never said that he was forced to play basketball. NE TIMES 소리듣기 또한, 야오 억지로 농구 하게 되었다고 말한 적이 없다.
  • The British also brought naval and amphibious forces into play there, and they managed to bottle up American forces on the Charleston peninsula. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기 영국군 또한 해군 수륙양용군 투입하여 아메리카군 찰스턴 반도 봉쇄하는데 성공했다.
  • India didn't want to play the T20 World Cup. But we were forced to play it by an 8-1 margin. TED 소리듣기 출전하고 싶지 않았으나 8:1의 의결 강제 출전하게 되었습니다.

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