Additionally, threeholidaysfall onaMonday: Memorial Day , LiberationDayandNationalFoundationDay .NE TIMES소리듣기또한, 현충일 (6월6일), 광복절 (8월15일), 개천절 (10월3일) 등공휴일 3개가월요일이다.
The National FoundationDay of Korea and Chamsungdan Altar in Kanghwa IslandRISS소리듣기개천절과 강화도 참성단
Propriety of Establishing National FoundationDay and Some Measures to Promote ItRISS소리듣기건국절 제정의 타당성과 추진방안
Duringthatweek, thereisalsoNationalFoundationDay, or Gaechonjol, sotheholidayperiodcanextend toninedaysforsomepeople.NE TIMES소리듣기그주간에는개천절도있어서, 몇몇 사람들에게는휴가가 9일로늘어날수있다.
Memorial Day, Independence DayandNationalFoundationDayallfall onaSundaythisyear.NE TIMES소리듣기올해는현충일, 광복절, 제헌절이모두일요일이다.