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사전 본문

  • the termination of a ruler or institution



유의어 32건
  • collapse an abrupt failure of function or complete physical exhaustion
  • conquer to put down by force or authority
  • surmount get on top of
  • deposition the natural process of laying down a deposit of something
  • overcome win a victory over


다음사전 앱
  • During this time, he started a secret revolutionary movement to overthrow the government. NE TIMES 소리듣기 당시 카다피 정부 전복시킬 비밀 혁명 운동 시작했다.
  • He was accused of attempting to overthrow the military regime of Park Chung-hee. The Korea Herald 소리듣기 박정군사정권 전복 기도했다는 혐의 받았었다.
  • In 918, four top-ranked generals met secretly and agreed to overthrow the King. NE TIMES 소리듣기 918년에 4명의 최고위급 장군들 비밀리 만나 정권 전복하기로 모았다.
  • They were later used in India to overthrow British colonial rule in 1947. NE TIMES 소리듣기 방법 훗날 1947년에 인도 영국 식민통치 폐지시키는 사용되었다.
  • Pyongyang has been denouncing the human rights act as an attempt to overthrow its regime. The Korea Herald 소리듣기 북한 미국 북한인권법 체제 전복 위한 시도라 비난해 왔다.

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