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사전 본문

  • group of people willing to obey orders
미국[pə̀ːrsənél] 듣기 반복듣기
영국[pə̀ːrsənél] 듣기 반복듣기



group of people willing to obey orders


the department responsible for hiring and training and placing employees and for setting policies for personnel management

Reference 더보기
personnel department, personnel office, ...


반의어 1건
  • materiel equipment and supplies of a military force
유의어 1건
  • staff personnel who assist their superior in carrying out an assigned task


다음사전 앱
  • At the 'Caution' stage, monitoring personnel is tripled and a governmental joint investigation party is organized. Edu times 소리듣기 '주의' 경보 발령되면 모니터 인력 3 이상 증원된다,
  • It can carry nine armed soldiers or sixteen unarmed personnel, along with two pilots. Edu times 소리듣기 . 조종사 2명과 함께 무장한 군인 9 또는 비무장 16명을 실을 있다.
  • Ban said the helicopters will be necessary to protect military personnel and civilians. NE TIMES 소리듣기 반기 사무총장 헬리콥터 군인들 시민들 보호하는데 필요할 이라고 말했다.
  • During the demonstration, the unions called for 20 percent more personnel to aid overworked shifts. The Korea Herald 소리듣기 파업 기간 노조 과중한 업무 시달리는 교대조 20% 인원 보강해 요구했다.
  • The focus is on advancing core technologies and component technologies and support training of personnel. The Korea Herald 소리듣기 "초점은 첨단 핵심기술 부품기술 그리고 인력훈련 지원이다.

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