최근 검색어가 없습니다.
cut down on; make a reduction in
reduce your daily fat intake 듣기
make less complex
reduce a problem to a single question 듣기
bring to humbler or weaker state or condition
He reduced the population to slavery 듣기
simplify the form of a mathematical equation of expression by substituting one term for another
lower in grade or rank or force somebody into an undignified situation
She reduced her niece to a servant 듣기
be the essential element
reduce in size; reduce physically
lessen and make more modest
reduce one's standard of living 듣기
make smaller
reduce an image 듣기
to remove oxygen from a compound, or cause to react with hydrogen or form a hydride, or to undergo an increase in the number of electrons
narrow or limit
reduce the influx of foreigners 듣기
put down by force or intimidation
undergo meiosis
The cells reduce 듣기
reposition (a broken bone after surgery) back to its normal site
destress and thus weaken a sound when pronouncing it
reduce in scope while retaining essential elements
be cooked until very little liquid is left
The sauce should reduce to one cup 듣기
cook until very little liquid is left
The cook reduced the sauce by boiling it for a long time 듣기
lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture
take off weight
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