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다음사전 앱
  • The next morning, the juice was frozen with a stick in it! Kidstimes 소리듣기 다음날 아침, 주스 막대기 함께 얼어붙었습니!
  • Pollen in the air is big enough to stick in the nasal cavity. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기 꽃가루 콧속 들러붙을 만큼 크다.
  • I think its really important to make the mistake stick in your mind. Juniortimes 소리듣기 나는 실수 마음 새기는 정말 중요하다고 생각해.
  • He also left his wooden stick in the drink. Teentimes 소리듣기 에퍼슨 또한 음료 나무 막대기 두었었다.
  • That night, there was a stick in the hut. TED 소리듣기 그날 , 오두막 안에 있던 나무 막대기

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