A Daegu subwayunion memberidentifiedonlybyhisfamily name Jeon hitan85dBnoise levelthroughaloudspeakerduringthedemonstration, policesaidattheweekend.The Korea Herald소리듣기대구지하철노동조합간부 전모씨는집회중확성기를이용해 85㏈의소음을발생시킨혐의이다.
A study on ways to Standard System of Logistics DB - Focused on the linkup transportation and road transportationRISS소리듣기물류 DB 표준체계 적용방안에 관한 연구
A study of the application of GSIS for the DB Construction and Present Situation Management of Traffic AccidentRISS소리듣기교통사고현황관리 및 DB구축을 위한 GSIS 적용에 관한 연구
Recovery Technique in a Client - Server Main Memory DB EnvironmentRISS소리듣기클라이언트 - 서버 주기억 데이타베이스 환경에서의 회복기법