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유의어 8건
  • overlord a person who has general authority over others
  • majesty impressiveness in scale or proportion
  • sultan the ruler of a Muslim country
  • emperor the male ruler of an empire
  • ruler a person who rules or commands


다음사전 앱
  • Also, people were excited to see Kim Soo-hyun after his role as a king in the hit drama, "Moon Embracing the Sun." Edu times 소리듣기 또한, 사람들 인기 드라마 " 품은 " 에서 역할 김수현 있다는 대해 들떴다.
  • During the medieval era, popes could excommunicate kings who went against the pope's wishes. Edu times 소리듣기 중세시대 , 교황 교황 바램 반대하는 왕들 파문할 있었다.
  • Also, popes often acted as arbiters for disputes between kings. Edu times 소리듣기 또한, 교황 가끔 사이 있는 분쟁 결정권자 되었다.
  • Sungnyemun, also commonly known as Namdaemun, was one of the main gates built by King Taejo in 1398. Edu times 소리듣기 남대문으로도 알려진 숭례문 1398년에 태조 만든 대문 하나였다.
  • Lee Seung-gi proved his acting ability in previous dramas such as "The King 2 Hearts" and "My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox." Edu times 소리듣기 이승기 연기력 예전 드라마 "더킹 하츠" " 여자친구 구미호" 에서 인정 받았다.

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