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  • 1.항공
  • 2.항공기 설계
  • 3.항공학
미국ərənɔ́ːtik, -tikəl] 듣기 반복듣기
영국ərənɔ́ːtik, -tikəl] 듣기 반복듣기


  • 비교급more aeronautic
  • 최상급most aeronautic


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다음사전 앱
  • Louis Gallois, former chairman of the European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company who now heads the French national competitiveness committee, submitted to his government 22 plans for strengthening France`s industrial competitiveness. He said social welfare costs should be cut 30 billion euros for companies over two years to recover national competitiveness. Most of his proposals have been accepted. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기 유럽항공방위우주산업(EADS) 회장 지낸 프랑스 국가경쟁력위원회 위원장 국가경쟁력 회복하기 위해 2 기업 300 ( 42조원) 사회복지 비용 깎아줘야 한다며 제출한 22 항목 산업경쟁력 강화방안 보고서 내용 상당 부분 받아들인 이다.
  • aerial/aeronautic. 소리듣기 항공 (→항공)
  • Woodhouse lost and the Aero Club became the National Aeronautic Association. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기
  • Eyerly patented many amusement rides, some of which had their origins in aeronautic maneuvers. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기
  • In 1915 he helped to found the American Society of Aeronautic Engineering. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기

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