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다음사전 앱
  • an air map/an aeronautical map/an aerial chart. 소리듣기 항공 지도 (→지도)
  • Used on Sectional Aeronautical Charts to define boundaries for Military and Civilian Aircraft Flights. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기
  • It does not appear on any aeronautical chart or in the Canada Flight Supplement. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기
  • Any time I had to plot a course we used aeronautical charts. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기
  • By knowing both the distance and radial from the station, the aircraft's position can be plotted on an aeronautical chart from a single station. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기

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