Arm’sLength Interest Rate in the Controlled Finance Transactions : Review on a Korean Supreme Court CaseRISS소리듣기이전가격 금융거래에서의 정상이자율
Moderating Effects of Suppliers' Internal Resources on the Relationship between Collaborative and Arm’s-length SCEM Approaches, and Suppliers’ Environmental ActivitiesRISS소리듣기친환경공급망관리 접근방법 (collaborative와 arm’s-length approaches)이 참여기업의 친환경활동에 미치는 영향에서 나타나는 참여 중소기업 내부자원의 조절효과 분석
Where didanybodyget the idea thatyou ought tostayarm'slengthfrom politics?TED소리듣기정치문제에는얽히지말아야지하셨던분있습니까?
Wheredidanybodyget the idea thatyouought tostayarm'slengthfrompolitics?웹 검색 예문소리듣기정치문제에는얽히지말아야지하셨던분있습니까?