The Concentrations of Beta-Endorphin in Amnionic Fluid During Labor and DeliveryRISS소리듣기양수내 beta-Endorphin치와 분만과의 관계에 관한 연구
Plasma Beta-Endorphin, Adrenocorticotropic Hormone and Cortisol Change in Alcohol Abstinent PatientsRISS소리듣기알콜 의존 환자에서 알콜 금단 후 혈장 베타 - 엔돌핀, 부신피질자극호르몬 및 코티졸의 변화
Beta-endorphinscauseapleasurablesensationwhenreleasedinthebrain.웹 검색 예문소리듣기
Beta-endorphinconcentrationsincerebrospinal fluidonmonkeysareinfluencedbygroomingrelationships.웹 검색 예문소리듣기
For hyposensitive people, itmayprovideneedednervous systemarousal, releasingbeta-endorphins.웹 검색 예문소리듣기