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다음사전 앱
  • It also provides broader powers to fight money laundering. NE TIMES 소리듣기 그것 또한 세탁 타파하는 더욱 넓은 공한다.
  • Generally speaking, a higher real interest rate reduces the broad money supply. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기
  • Loans, bonds, and shares have some of the characteristics of money and are included in the broad money supply. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기
  • Whitehouse argued that Saccoccia's payments to Luskin were related to Saccoccia's broad money-laundering scheme and that the money should be returned to the government. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기
  • We also wanted to go even broader and look at every country in the world if we could to see what the relationship is between money and happiness. TED 소리듣기 저희 행복 관계 알아보는 실험 있다면, 지구상 모든 국가에서 진행하고 싶었습니다.

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