A Postcolonial Interpretation on Hsiao-Hsien Hou’s Films A City of Sadness, The Puppetmaster, Good men Good WomenRISS소리듣기허우샤오시엔(侯孝賢) ‘근대사 3부작’의 탈식민주의적 해석
Thethreedaysof hearings, whichendedWednesday, wereheldtodeterminehow muchindamagestheynowowetoLeeandhisson, Prime MinisterLeeHsien Loong.웹 검색 예문소리듣기28일까지 3일간열린재판은이두사람이 리콴유와그의아들리센룽(Lee Hsien Loong) 총리에지불해야될보상금의액수를정하기위한것이었다.
A preliminary study on Miscellaneous edition “T` ang Hsien Shih Fan” of Hai Yin Temple in KoreaRISS소리듣기한국해인사잡판본≪당현시범≫초탐
A Study on "Hsien(仙)" Thought in New ReligionRISS소리듣기연구논문 : 신종교에 나타난 신선사상
Chiang-ning Self-Government Experimental HsienRISS소리듣기강녕자치실험현에 대하여