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다음사전 앱
  • Another pioneering industry on the Hempstead Plains was aviation. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기
  • Dennis' pioneering work is credited with rescuing the papaya industry. TED 소리듣기 데니스 작업 파파야 산업 구하기 위해 진행됬습니다.
  • Stevens was a pioneering sex industry figure during the 1970s in New York City. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기
  • Due to his role in pioneering the film industry in California, Bosworth often was referred to as the "Dean of Hollywood". 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기
  • "However, Park demonstrated his pioneering spirit to prove that nothing was impossible. His can-do spirit surprised not only the nation but also the world, laying the foundation for the country's manufacturing sector and export industries. It has been often said that steel is the ""rice"" of industries. POSCO under the leadership of Park played a pivotal role of igniting Korea's growth engine." 코리아타임즈 소리듣기 하지만 회장 어떤 불가능한 없다는 입증하기 위해 선구적 정신 보여주었다. 있다는 정신 우리나라 아니라 세계 놀라게 했고 국내 제조부문 수출산업 위한 토대 마련했다. 철강 산업 ''이라고들 흔히 말해왔다. 회장 지도력 에서 포스코 한국 성장 동력 점화하는데 중추 역할 했다.

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