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  • the full[total] amount (→amount) 소리듣기 총액
  • The victim was paid the full amount of the damages he had demanded. 소리듣기 피해자 자기 요구한 보상액 전액 지급 받았다 (→전액)
  • Furthermore, low-fat milk still has the same amount of protein as full-fat milk, but it doesnt have the same amount of fat. Teentimes 소리듣기 게다가, 저지방 우유 여전히 지방으로 가득 우유 같은 양의 단백질 가지고 있지만, 같은 양의 지방 가지고 있지는 않다.
  • The full amount of mercury is still present, it doesn't disappear. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기
  • Due to university by-laws, Cornell could not accept the full amount of McGraw's gift. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기