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사전 본문

  • 강화된 경비



다음사전 앱
  • With random and extreme acts of violence on the rise in the U.S. it may be that heightened security ought to be consistently maintained. Edu times 소리듣기 미국에서 무작위적이고 극단적 폭력 행위 증가함으로써, 보다 높은 수준의 보안 지속적으로 유지되어야 한다.
  • Obtaining visas to visit the United States will be even more stringent than before due to heightened security in fear of terrorist attacks. The Korea Herald 소리듣기 테러 대비하기 위한 보안 강화 인해 미국 비자 취득 요건 더욱 까다로워 전망이다.
  • The point is that heightened security means less tolerance for anti-establishment views. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기
  • The incident has led to heightened security awareness at National Football League games. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기
  • No serious damage was incurred, and the program continued under heightened security. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기

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