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  • 자동차 주유하다


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  • The station, unveiled in a partnership with UTC Fuel Cells and ChevronTexaco, produces 15 kilograms of hydrogen per day from natural gas, and has the capacity to charge 30 cars a day, taking less than two minutes to fill each vehicle, Hyundai said in a statement. The Korea Herald 소리듣기 UTC 퓨털셀 세브론텍사코 제휴하여 공개한 충전소 천연가스에서 수소 일일 15킬로그램을 생산하며 차량 충전하는 2 미만 걸리며 하루 30대를 충전할 있다고 현대자동차 발표했다.
  • The means of attack have included vehicles filled with explosives, passenger planes carrying large amounts of fuel, and individuals wearing vests filled with explosives. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기

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