Optimum Fertilization Rate of Nitrogen Topdressing at Tillering Stage for Water-Saving Culture under Ridge Direct Seeding on DryPaddy of RiceRISS소리듣기벼 휴립건답직파 절수재배시 적정 질소 분얼비 시비량
Reasonable Seeding Rate for Water-Saving Culture under Ridge Direct Seeding on DryPaddy of RiceRISS소리듣기벼 유립건답직파 절수재배에 알맞는 파종량
Control of Weedy Rice Using Minimum Tillage Direct Seeding of Rice on DryPaddyRISS소리듣기벼 최소경운 건답직파재배를 이용한 잡초성벼 방제
A Study on Development of Drying Method of PaddyRice in SackRISS소리듣기포대단위 곡물건조방법의 개발에 관한 연구
Growth Prediction of Major Weeds as Affected by Seeding Dates in Dry Direct Seeding Culture on RicePaddyRISS소리듣기벼 건답직파 재배에서 파종시기에 따른 주요 잡초의 생장예측