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  • 기준 운전시분



  • This could keep a gadget running 20 times longer than a regular battery. NE TIMES 소리듣기 연료 전지 보통 전지보다 20 오래 기기 작동할 있게 해줄 이다.
  • The first programme was broadcast in 1990, when its regular running time was usually only 45 minutes. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기
  • By a miracle, some months later, I met someone who was running an underground shelter for North Koreans, and was allowed to live there and eat regular meals for the first time in many years. TED 소리듣기 하지만 , 기적처럼 탈북자들 위해 비밀 보호소 운영하는 사람 만나 에서 살면서 만에 처음으로 정기적으로 식사 있었습니다.
  • If you wish to have the ad running for a period of time, it is wise to repost the ad at regular intervals to maintain visibility. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기