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  • 잔량반품조건



  • No returns or exchanges on sale items. 소리듣기 특매품품이므로 반환이나 교환 사절합니다 (→특매품)
  • Offered to newsagents on a "sale or return" basis, it suffered a high rate of returns. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기
  • The items are checked thoroughly and then put on sale since they are returns. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기
  • Her proceeds from sale go on her return, regardless of how those proceeds were determined. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기
  • As some North Korea experts predicted, the reclusive regime returned to the dialogue phase of its two-track diplomacy just now. It was a vintage Pyongyang move when it proposed U.N. monitors' inspection and the sale of spent nuclear fuel rods following a deadly shelling on a populated island. 코리아타임즈 소리듣기 일부 북한 전문가들 예측했듯이 은둔정권 자신 이중 노선 외교 대화 국면으로 방금 돌아왔다. 사람 사는 치명적 포격 가한 유엔 관측자들 사찰 연료 판매 제안한 전형적 북한 정권 행보였다.