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~ 척하다


다음사전 앱
  • This will send a strong message to perpetrators, that even if they succeed in unlocking the pad, they will not be able to lay their hands on what they want. 정책브리핑 소리듣기 잠재적 공격자들에게 "해킹 해도 바라는 성과 거두지 못할 "이라는 강력한 메시지 보낼 입니다.
  • So stand your ground, and be prepared to lay all your cards on the table. 한국일보 Screen english 소리듣기 그러 부인 입장 고수하고, 부인 계획 의도 대해 분명하고 솔직하게 말할 준비 하세요.
  • I was moving around a little bit, it's hard to lay still on your back, 41 weeks pregnant for 20 minutes. Maybe it was shifting around. TED 소리듣기 조금 움직였는데 꼼짝않고 누워있기 힘들었어요. 41주 임신 들어선지 20분이 되었죠. 어쩌면 태아 움직였을거에요.
  • And we thought we were going to be able to lay these debts off on our kids, but, guess what? TED 소리듣기 빚을 다음 세대에게 물려주면 된다고 생각했는데 어쩌면 좋을까요?
  • Now, as a statistician, what's my response? Show me the data! So then he proceeds to tell us the baby's heart rate trace went from 18 minutes, the baby's heart rate was in the normal zone and for two minutes it was in what appeared to be my heart rate zone and I said, "Is it possible that maybe this was my heart rate? I was moving around a little bit, it's hard to lay still on your back, 41 weeks pregnant for 20 minutes. Maybe it was shifting around." He said, "Well, we don't want to take any chances." I said okay. I said, "What if I was at 36 weeks with this same data? Would your decision be to induce?" I said, "Well, why don't we just do it again? We can collect more data. I can try to be really still for 20 minutes. We can average the two and see what that means. And he goes, "Ma'am, I just don't want you to have a miscarriage." That makes three of us. And then he says, "Your chances of having a miscarriage double when you go past your due date. Let's get you a room." Wow. So now as a statistician, what's my response? TED 소리듣기 , 통계학자 반응 어땠을까요? 데이터 보여주세요! 의사 얘기 계속했습니다. 태아 흔적 18분부터 흘렀어요. 심박 정상이었는데 2 동안 심박처럼 보여서 제가 말했죠. " 심장박동 측정되는 아닌가요?" 조금 움직였는데 꼼짝않고 누워있기 힘들었어요. 41 임신 들어선지 20분이 되었죠. 어쩌면 태아 움직였을거에요." 의사 말했죠, "글쎄요, 우리 만전 기하 싶어요." 괜찮다고 말했죠. 말했죠, "제가 임신 36주인데 똑같은 데이터 나온다면 어떨까요? 유도분만하라고 하시겠어?" "글쎄요, 아니요, 적어도 임신 38주까지 기다리겠죠. 그러나 당신 거의 42주이고, 태아 뱃속 이유 전혀 없죠. 입원실 잡으시죠." 말했습니다. "글쎄, 다시 보면 어때요? 많은 데이터 얻을 있잖아요. 정말 20분동안 꼼짝않고 가만있을게요. 2개를 평균해서 그게뜻하는지 있어요. 의사 이렇게 말했죠. "어머니, 당신 유산하기 바라지 않아요." 사람 모두 같은 생각입니다. 그리고 말합니다. "출산 예정일 지나면 유산될 확율 배가 됩니다. 입원실 얻자구요." . 그래서 지금 통계학자로서 반응 어땠을까요?

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