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  • Stock prices have plummeted as foreign and domestic investors rushed to pull out of the local market before things got even worse. NE TIMES 소리듣기 해외 국내 투자자들 상황 악화되기 서둘러 국내 시장에서 빠져나가면서 주가 폭락했다.
  • At the age of 17, I got shot three times standing on the corner of my block in Detroit. My friend rushed me to the hospital. Doctors pulled the bullets out, patched me up, and sent me back to the same neighborhood where I got shot. Throughout this ordeal, no one hugged me, no one counseled me, no one told me I would be okay. No one told me that I would live in fear, that I would become paranoid, or that I would react hyper-violently to being shot. TED 소리듣기 17살에, 디트로이트 제가 사는 동네 구석에서 3번이나 맞았죠. 친구 병원으로 급히 옮겼죠. 의사들 총알 빼냈고, 상처 치유해주었죠, 그리고 제가 맞은 동네 돌려보냈죠. 난관 거치 동안, 아무 안아주지 않았습니다, 아무 상담해주지 않았죠, 아무 괜찮아 질거라고 말하지 않았습니다. 아무 제가 공포에서 이라고 말하지 않았죠, 편집증 이고, 또는 맞는 대해 지나치게 폭력적으로 반응하게 될거라구요.
  • daum:word id="ekw000115518">numbnumb. And it was the paradox is that you're in freezing cold water, but actually you're on fire. I swam as hard as I could for five minutes. I remember just trying to get out of the water. I climbed out of the ice. And I remember taking the goggles off my face and looking down at my hands in sheer shock, because my fingers had swollen so much that they were like sausages. And they were swollen so much, I couldn't even close them. What had happened is that we are made partially of water, and when water freezes it expands. And so what had actually happened is that the cells in my fingers had frozen and expanded. And they had burst. And I was in so much agony. I immediately got rushed onto the ship and into a hot shower. And I remember standing underneath the hot shower and trying to defrost my fingers. And I thought, in two days' time, I was going to do this swim across the North Pole. I was going to try and do a 20-minute swim, for one kilometer across the North Pole. And this dream which I had had ever since I was a young boy with my father, was just going out the window. There is no possibility that this was going to happen. And I remember then getting out of the shower and realizing I couldn't even feel my hands. And for a swimmer, you need to feel your hands because you need to be able to grab the water and pull it through with you. The next morning, I woke up and I was in such a state of depression, and all I could think about was Sir Ranulph Fiennes. For those of you who don't know him, he's the great British explorer. A number of years ago, he tried to ski all the way to the North Pole. He accidentally fell through the ice into the sea. And after just three minutes in that water, he was able to get himself out. And his hands were so badly frostbitten that he had to return to England. He went to a local hospital and there they said, "Ran, there is no possibility of us being able to save these fingers. We are going to actually have to take them off." And Ran decided to go into his tool shed and take out a saw and do it himself. And all I could think of was, if that happened to Ran after three minutes, and I can't feel my hands after five minutes, what on earth is going to happen if I try 20 minutes? At the very best, I'm going to end up losing some fingers. And at worst, I didn't even want to think about it. We carried on sailing through the TED 소리듣기 숨쉬기 너무 힘들어 헐떡거렸고 과호흡상태 되어 감각 사라졌습니다 그리고, 모순되게도, 얼음장같은 물에 들어가있으면 에서 정말 불이 납니다. 5분동안 있는 힘껏 수영 했습니다 밖으로 나오려고 노력했던 순간 기억납니다 얼음 위로 기어올라 얼굴 쓰고 있던 물안경 벗고 내려다봤는데, 엄청난 충격 휩싸였습니다 왜냐면 손가락 너무나 부어올라서 소세지처럼 보였 때문이죠 너무나 부어있었기 때문 모아 쥐는 불가능했습니다. 이러 현상, 우리 일부분 이루어졌는 물은 얼면 팽창합니다 그래서 무슨 일이 일어났냐하면, 손가락 세포들이 얼어 팽창해버린 이죠. 손가락 터지려고 해서 너무나 고통스러웠습니다 바로 올라가 따뜻한 샤워장으로 들어갔습니다. 따뜻한 샤워 아래에서 손가락 해동시키려고 노력했던 생각납니다 그리고 이틀뒤면 북극해에서 수영 하게 된다는 사실 떠올렸습니다. 20분동안, 북극해 가로지르면서 1킬로미터를 헤엄쳐 이었지요. 어린 소년시절부터, 아버지 함께 키워 불가능할 이라는 생각 들었습니다. 도저히 해낼 방도 없었습니다 샤워 마치고 나오면서 감각 없다는 깨닫게 되었습니다 수영 하려면, 감각 있어야 합니다 왜냐면 물속에서 물을 끌어서 밀어낼 있어야 하기 때문이죠. 다음날 아침 일어났을 너무나 우울했습니 파인 밖에 생각 나지 않았습니다 모르는 들을 위해 알려드리자면 위대한 영국인 탐험가입니다. 북극까지 스키 횡단하려다 실수 얼음 사이 떨어져 바닷물 빠졌습니다. 단지 삼분 동안 물에 빠졌다가 단지 삼분 동안 물에 빠졌다가 겨우 올라올 있었죠 그런데 손이 너무나 심한 동상 걸린 바람 영국으로 귀환해야만 했습니다. 지역 병원 가자 의사들 하는 , "선생님, 불행히 손가락 살려내는 불가능할 같습니다 잘라내는 밖에 도리 없어요" 그래서 파인 경은 자신 공구창고 가서 꺼내어 스스로 잘라냈다고 합니다. 파인 경이 3분 동안 물속 있었던 일로 심한 동상 걸렸고 5분 수영 손가락 감각 없어졌는, 20분 동안 수영 하게 되면 대체 무슨 일이 생길 이란 인가? 아무리 되어도 손가락 잃을 이고 잘못된다면.. 그건 생각하기 싫었습니다 우리 얼음 덩어리 사이 지나 북극 향해 항해 계속했습니다. 가까운 친구 이비드는 제가 고민하는 모습 보고 다가와서 이렇게 말했습니다.
  • All of the animals rushed forward to try and pull Zebra out, but Zebra was firmly stuck. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기
  • All of the animals rushed forward to try and pull Zebra out, but Zebra was firmly stuck. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기