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  • ~ 대한 직접 결과로서



  • The disaster recorded a death toll of 15,880 with 2,694 reported missing, as a direct result of a tsunami. Edu times 소리듣기 재앙으로 인해 사망자 1 5880명에 이르고, 현재까지 2,694 행방불명으로 남아있다.
  • Approximately 80,000 people were killed and another 35,000 were injured as a direct result of the blast. NE TIMES 소리듣기 직접적 폭발 결과로서, 8 명의 사람들 죽었고 다른 3 5천명이 다쳤다.
  • Police announced that he died as a result of a fall while civic groups claim he died from direct blows to the head by police. The Korea Herald 소리듣기 경찰 추락사했다고 발표했지만 시민단체들 경찰 휘두른 곤봉 머리 맞아 사망했다고 주장해왔다.
  • The dramatic try came as a direct result of Irish indiscipline. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기
  • Lingbao scriptures arose as a direct result of the success of earlier Shangqing texts. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기