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다음사전 앱
  • Be careful, but realize you aren't getting ready to do surgery or anything. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기
  • I'm getting ready to do a country boil in it soon, that should be excellent as well. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기
  • And she's walking in that really cool way that one-year-olds do, a kind of teetering, my-body's-moving- too-fast-for-my-legs kind of way. It is absolutely gorgeous. And one of her favorite things to do at the moment is to stare at herself in the mirror. She absolutely loves her reflection. She giggles and squeals, and gives herself these big, wet kisses. It is beautiful. Apparently, all of her friends do this and my mom tells me that I used to do this, and it got me thinking When did I stop doing this? When is it suddenly not okay to love the way that we look? Because apparently we don't. Ten thousand people every month google, "Am I ugly?" This is Faye. Faye is 13 and she lives in Denver. And like any teenager, she just wants to be liked and to fit in. It's Sunday night. She's getting ready for the week ahead at school. And she's slightly dreading it, and she's a bit confused because despite her mom telling her all the time that she's beautiful, every day at school, someone tells her that she's ugly. Because of the difference between what her mom tells her and what her friends at school, or her peers at school are telling her, she doesn't know who to believe. TED 소리듣기 짜리 모습으로 걷습니다. " 다리 감당못해요" 하듯이 뒤뚱거립니다. 정말 사랑스럽지요. 이때 스텔라 가장 좋아하는 거울 쳐다 보는 입니다. 거울 비친 모습 굉장히 좋아합니다. 혼자 키득거리고 소리지르다가 뽀뽀 합니다. 아름다운 모습입니다. 다른 아기들 분명 그렇고 저도 어렸을때 그랬다고 하네요. 그래서 생각해봤습니다. 내가 언제 이걸 안하게 되었을까? 갑자기 우리 예뻐보이지 않은 언제였을까? 분명히 예뻐보이지 않아서지요. 매달 이렇게 검색합니다. "제가 못생겼나요?" 여기 덴버 사는 13살 소녀 페이입니다. 여느 십대들처럼 인기 얻고 어울리길 바랍니다. 일요일 저녁 다가올 한주 학교생활 준비하고 있습니다. 페이 살짝 납니다. 엄마 예쁘다고 말해줘도 헷갈려 하지. 왜냐하면 학교에서 누군가 못생겼다고 하기 때문입니다. 엄마 말해 주는 학교에서 친구들이나 또래 말하는 다르기 때문 누굴 믿어야 할지 모릅니다.
  • He learns to accept praise without getting swollen-headed and is ready to be corrected if he has done wrong. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기

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