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  • He said that Korean Air will be the main beneficiary of the improving business conditions and forecast its operating profit for next year will reach 575.3 billion won, 11 percent up from this year. The Korea Herald 소리듣기 대한항공 호전 따른 최대 수혜자 이고 내년 영업이익 올해보다 11% 증가한 5753억원에 달할 으로 전망했다.
  • The unit of Deutsche Bank AG forecast that Korean bank earnings will increase next year as an export-driven economic recovery will improve business conditions and help lenders cut their provisions against bad loans. The Korea Herald 소리듣기 이치 아시아 수출 증대 경기 회복되고 은행 대손충당금 감소함 따라 내년 국내 은행 순익 증가할 으로 전망했다.
  • The Philadelphia Fed business conditions reading was -20.9 in January, much weaker than the -1.0 consensus forecast in a Reuters poll of economists. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기

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