Osteitisorcariesofthevertebrae--whatwecommonlycallPott's disease--isusuallyoftubercularorigin; andthistuberculosisofthespineoccursmost frequentlyinchildren.파일로 밴스 / 주교 살인 사건소리듣기골염이나척추카리에스 ─ 우리가흔히 포트병이라고부르는것 ─ 는보통결핵이기원이며, 이척추의결핵은어릴때자주발생해요.
A Case of Tuberculosis of the Breast Associated with tuberculous PeritonitisRISS소리듣기유방 결핵을 병발한 결핵성 복막염 1예
A Case of Transglottic Squamous Cell Carcinoma with laryngeal Tuberculosis and Multiple Tuberculous Cervical IymphadenitisRISS소리듣기후두결핵과 다발성 결핵성 경부 림프절염을 동반한 후두 편평상피세포암 1례
A Case of Intracranial Tuberculoma Which Paradoxically Expanded During 18-Months' Treatment and Review of LiteratureRISS소리듣기항결핵 치료과정에서 호전되었다가 악화된 뇌 결핵종 1예 보고
Primary Hepatic Tuberculoma Associated with Intrahepatic Duct Stones and AbscessRISS소리듣기간내결석 및 간농양과 동반된 육아종성 간결핵