메뉴 바로가기 본문 바로가기

사전 본문

  • 1.since
  • 2.since that time
  • 3.ever since



  • After the head of the gang died, there was trouble over who would take his place. 소리듣기 패거리 우두머리 누가 잇는가를 둘러싸고 분쟁 있었다 (→잇다)
  • The rest may be left for you to imagine. 소리듣기 상상 맡기겠다 (→뒤)
  • He has not been heard of since. 소리듣기 소문 들리지 않는다 (→들리다)
  • That was the last I saw of her./I saw no more of her. 소리듣기 로는 그녀 보지 못했다 (→그뒤)
  • Tell me the whole story of what has happened since then. 소리듣기 전말 이야기해 주게 (→전말)