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사전 본문

  • 1.even if it were not so
  • 2.all the more
  • 3.in addition


even if it were not so; all the more; in additionto》; on top ofit》; moreover; what is more; to make matters worse; to add to the surplus.

  • I was going to visit you even if you were not to come to see me./I intended to see you one of these days./You are welcome. I myself was going to see you. 듣기

    그러잖아도 한번 만났으면 하던 이었소


다음사전 앱
  • We hardly earn enough to live on now. What are we going to do with another mouth to feed? 소리듣기 그러잖아도 벌이 시원찮아 살아가기 어려운데 식구 하나 늘면 어떡합니까 (→그러잖아도)
  • Don't go putting any more ideas into his head. He is dissatisfied as it is. 소리듣기 에게 쓸데없는 말을 하지 말아 . 그러잖아도 불만 많다 (→그러잖아도)
  • I am already tired, and still he asks me to work one hour longer. 소리듣기 그러잖아도 피곤한데 시간 더하란다 (→그러잖아도)
  • I was going to visit you even if you were not to come to see me./I intended to see you one of these days./You are welcome. I myself was going to see you. 소리듣기 그러잖아도 한번 만났으면 하던 이었소 (→그러잖아도)
  • Worse still, news reports that used to be printed on paper have been already getting poorer in quality, softer in seriousness, and more entertaining in nature as they move to digital. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기 그러잖아도 종이 인쇄되던 뉴스 디지털 옮아가면서 부실 연성 오락화하고 있다.

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