최근 검색어가 없습니다.
be immersed in; be absorbed[lost/engrossed] in; immerse oneself in; be devoted to; devote oneself to; give oneself up entirely to; bury oneself in; be up to the eyes[neck/elbows] in 《one's work》.
He is absorbed[immersed] in his studies. 듣기
그는 연구에 몰두해 있다
She is absorbed in the study of American Literature. 듣기
그녀는 미국 문학 연구에 몰두해 있다
I was so deep in my plans for a new novel. 듣기
나는 새로운 소설의 구상에 몰두해 있었다
She attempted vainly to lose herself in work./She attempted to lose[bury] herself in work, but it was in vain. 듣기
그녀는 일에 몰두하려 했으나 허사였다
She devoted herself to social work all her life. 듣기
그녀는 일생을 사회 사업에 몰두했다
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