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사전 본문

  • 1.consider
  • 2.think of
  • 3.think



[사고하다] thinkof/on/about/that ‥》; (속어) have a thinkabout》; consider; give (a) thought to.

  • something to think about. 듣기



[의견·견해를 갖다] viewa thing》; take a viewof a thing》; be of (the) opinionthat》.

  • have a superficial[deep] view of things. 듣기

    사물 피상적으로[깊이] 생각하다


[의도하다] intend todo》; mean todo》; think ofdoing》; plan todo》; contemplatedoing》.

  • He thought of cheating the old woman out of her money. 듣기

    노부인 속여 빼앗으려고 생각했다


[믿다] believe; hold; be convinced.

  • I'd believed that he was trustworthy. 듣기

    사람이라면 신용할 있다고 생각했다


[느끼다] feel.

  • I am glad[happy] that I have come back safe. 듣기

    무사히 돌아와서 기쁘게 생각한다


[예기하다] expectthat/to do》; hope; anticipate; [염려하다] fear; be afraidof/that ‥》.

  • I never thought[dreamed] I would be elected chairman. 듣기

    의장 선출되리라고는 꿈에도 각지 못했다


[판단하다] judge; conclude; [오인하다] take for; mistake for.

  • At first I took[mistook] him for a German. 듣기

    처음 그를 독일인이라고 생각했다


[상상하다] imagine; figure; [추측하다] suppose; fancy; (Am. E.) guess.

  • The mere thought of the summer vacation fills me with joy. 듣기

    여름 휴가 생각하기 해도 마음 들뜬다


[간주하다] regarda person as》; look (up) ona person as》; considera person (to be) a fool》; reckona person for[to do]》; takea thing[person] for[as]/a person (to be) wealthy》; counta person as》.

  • I don't mind the heat. 듣기

    더위 따위 아무렇지도 않게 생각한다


[고려하다] consider; consultone's own interests/convenience》; takea matterinto consideration[account]; [걱정하다] concern oneself about; worry (oneself) about; [참작하다] make allowance for.

  • He was always concerned about his parents at home. 듣기

    고향 부모 생각하고 있었다


[숙고하다] consider; think[ponder] over; deliberate[muse/dwell] on; turna matterover (in one's mind); weigh; meditate.

  • He sat meditation on[pondering] it. 듣기

    앉아서 골똘히 생각하고 있었다


[기억·추억하다] recall; remember; recollect; look back uponthe past》; think of; call to mind; [반성하다] reflect on; reconsider.

  • We think of[remember] those who died in (the) war. 듣기

    우리 전쟁 희생자 생각한다


[각오·준비하다] be readyfor/to do》; be prepared for; provide against.

  • You had better be prepared for the worst. 듣기

    만일 경우 생각해 두어라


[바라다] wish; desire; want.

  • I wish I were ten years younger! 듣기

    10년만 젊었더라면 하고 생각 한다


[염두 두다] think of; be interested in; [사랑하다] love; care for; take thought for; [그리워하다] sigh for; yearn after.

  • the concern of a parent for his[her] child. 듣기

    자식 생각하는 부모 마음


[의아해 하다] wonderif/whether》; [의심하다] suspect; get suspicious.

  • I suspect he did it. 듣기

    하지 않았나 생각하고 있다


[고안하다] contrive; invent; devise.


다음사전 앱
  • You can see the whole situation better if you step back a little. 소리듣기 발짝 물러가서 생각 보면 전체 상황 보이게 된다 (→물러가다)
  • Precisely because I have your future at heart, I'd like to give you my frank advice. 소리듣기 오로지 장래 생각해서 내가 솔직한 충고 하고자 한다 (→충고)
  • I esteem[deem] it a great honor[favor] (for me) to address you at this grand meeting. 소리듣기 성대한 모임에서 여러분 말씀드리게 영광으로 생각하는 입니다 (→영광)
  • I have vague apprehension about that child's future. 소리듣기 아이 장래 생각하면 막연한 불안감 앞서 두려운 생각 든다 (→두렵다)
  • I thought I should not talk much on such an occasion as this. 소리듣기 이러 경우, 많은 이야기 해서는 이라고 생각했다 (→경우)

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