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사전 본문

  • a woman's heart


wina woman's heart.


다음사전 앱
  • Characteristics and Causes of Female Sentiments Expressed in Koryo Ballads RISS 소리듣기 고려가요에 나타난 여심특질과 그 원인고
  • Actor So Ji-sup has returned after serving his mandatory military service. He won the hearts of millions of women for his romantic and intense role in the TV drama "I'm Sorry, and I Love You" in 2004. 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기 소지섭 돌아왔다. 2004 KBS2 드라마 미안하다 사랑한다로 숱한 여심 뒤흔들더니 홀연 서울 마포구청 공익근무요원 사라졌던 남자.

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