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사전 본문

  • 1.after a long time
  • 2.long time no see
  • 3.in a long time



다음사전 앱
  • He returned to school after a long absence. 소리듣기 오래간만 학교 나왔다 (→오래간만)
  • after a long time[interval/silence/absence/separation]/for the first time in a long time[while]. 소리듣기 오래간만 (→오래간만)
  • I haven't seen you for a long time./It is[has been] a long time since I saw you last. 소리듣기 오래간만이군 (→오래간만)
  • This is the first recreation I've had in[for] a long time. 소리듣기 오래간만 기분 전환 했다 (→기분 전환)
  • A junior high school friend wrote to me recently after a long silence[구어 for the first time in ages]. 소리듣기 최근 중학교 시절 친구로부터 오래간만 편지 왔다 (→오래간만)

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