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사전 본문

  • 1.do not stir an inch
  • 2.be unshakable



do not stir[budge/move] an inch; be unshakable[adamantine/steadfast/unyielding/invincible]; stand as firm as rock.

  • Once he has made up his mind, he won't budge an inch. 듣기

    한번 마음 정하면 요지부동한다


다음사전 앱
  • Once he has made up his mind, he won't budge an inch. 소리듣기 한번 마음 정하면 요지부동한다 (→요지부동하다)
  • This mood has been detected in many places already. Recently, Workers’ Party Secretary Choe Ryong-hae was demoted from a standing committee member to an ordinary member of the Politburo. Kim Jong-un mentioned a possibility for a summit meeting in his New Year’s address, but no progress is made at the working level, when no one is supposed to go against what the North Korean leader said personally. TED 소리듣기 이런 분위기 여러 에서 감지돼 왔다. 최근 용해 비서 정치국 상무위원에서 위원으로 강등된 이나 김정은 신년사에서 남북 정상회담 가능성 언급했는데도 에선 요지부동하는 에서 있다.

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