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사전 본문

  • 1.attendance at one's parent's deathbed
  • 2.one's end
  • 3.one's deathbed



다음사전 앱
  • He is on his deathbed./He is at death's door./He is near death./His hour[time] has come./His end is nearing. 소리듣기 임종 가까워졌다 (→임종)
  • I attended my father on his deathbed. 소리듣기 아버지 임종 했다 (→임종)
  • The dying woman confided her secret to her daughters in tears. 소리듣기 임종 여인 에게 눈물 자신 비밀 털어놓았다 (→눈물)
  • what he said on his deathbed[with his last breath]/his dying words. 소리듣기 임종 (→임종)
  • He died peacefully[died a peaceful death] at the age of eighty. 소리듣기 80세의 나이 조용히 임종했다 (→임종하다)

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