최근 검색어가 없습니다.
[…도] even; [게다가] besides; in addition.
cannot so much as sign one's own name. 듣기
이름 조차 못 쓰다
If even he doesn't know, then nobody does. 듣기
그 조차 모르고 있으므로 아무도 모른다
ABC∼ 쓸 줄 모른다 He can't even write the alphabet./He cannot so much as write the alphabet. 듣기
There is not a drop of water (to be had[found]). 듣기
한 방울의 물조차 없다
There are some university students who cannot even write a simple character like this./Even this simple character is too difficult for some college students. 듣기
이렇게 쉬운 한자조차 못 쓰는 대학생이 있다
Even the teacher could not solve the question. 듣기
선생님조차 그 문제를 풀지 못했다
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