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사전 본문

  • 1.a guess made in advance
  • 2.presupposition
  • 3.a hasty conclusion


[미리 넘겨짚는 짐작] a guess[conjecture] made in advance; presupposition; a hasty conclusion[deduction].


다음사전 앱
  • run off[away] with the idea that ‥. 소리듣기 이라고 지레 짐작하다 (→지레짐작하다)
  • He jumped to the conclusion that she was dead. 소리듣기 지레 짐작하여 그녀 죽었다고 믿었다 (→지레짐작하다)
  • It was just as I had guessed. 소리듣기 내가 지레 짐작 대로였다 (→지레짐작하다)
  • The goal is to prevent chaos resulting from the market making a bad prediction. TED 소리듣기 시장 지레 짐작으로 엉뚱하게 움직여 혼란 생기는 최대한 막아보겠다는 의도.
  • Rather than what we think that they might need. TED 소리듣기 그들에게 필요할 이라 지레 짐작하시지 말구.

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