Theincreaseisin partdue tothegreaterawarenessandlesstoleranceofabusiveconductagainstchildren, as well astheincreasednumberofchild abusepreventioncentersacross the country, said Seol Jeong-gon, directoroftheministry'sfamilyandchild welfaredivision.The Korea Herald소리듣기"이러한 증가세는아동학대에대한인지도확산과이를용인하지않으려는태도그리고전국적으로아동학대방지시설의수가증가한데이유가있다"고설정곤보건복지부 아동정책과장은말했다.
Inover80percentofcases, parentsabusedtheirownchildren; in67percentofthecases, theabusersweremale.The Korea Herald소리듣기부모에의한아동학대가 80%를넘었고가해자의 67%가남성이었다.
Spouse Abuse : Decision to remain with or leave the abusive spouse From the Social Exchange Theory perspectiveRISS소리듣기사회교환이론의 관점에서 살펴본 배우자 학대 현상의 이해
A Longitudinal Study of Persistent and Recency Effects of Child Maltreatment on Depression,Anxiety and AggressionRISS소리듣기아동학대가 우울, 불안과 공격성에 미치는 지속 효과와 최신 효과에 대한 종단 연구