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사전 본문

  • 1.one's say
  • 2.what one has to say
  • 3.one's claim



다음사전 앱
  • I don't have anything to do with that so there's nothing I can say. 소리듣기 일과 아무 관계 없으니 아무 없다 (→아무)
  • I don't have anything to do with that so there's nothing I can say. 소리듣기 아무 관계 없으니 아무 없다 (→아무 것)
  • There is much to be said[Much can be said] on both sides. 소리듣기 양쪽 모두 많다 (→할말)
  • He was struck speechless[dumb] with astonishment. 소리듣기 그만 아연하여 잊었다 (→아연하다)
  • Every evil-doer has his reasons. 소리듣기 속담처녀 낳아도 있다 (→처녀)

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