A Study of Human Rights Abuses and Response Methods of Women Defectors from North Korea -Focusing on experiences of childbirth and parenting in China-RISS소리듣기공법분야 투고논문 : 탈북여성의 중국체류 경험을 통해본 출산 및 양육에 관한 권리침해와 대응 행위
Television Entertainment Programs and Invasion of Child RightsRISS소리듣기텔레비전 오락 프로그램에 나타난 아동권리침해
Articles : A Study on the Prevention and Relief System against anInfringement on the Rights by the UncertaintyLaw related the Industrial ActionRISS소리듣기연구논문(硏究論文) : 쟁의행위 관련 법률 불명확성에 의한 권리침해의 예방 및 구제제도의 고찰
A Study on the Infringement of Children's Rights in Child Welfare Facilities in Accordance with the Child Welfare ActRISS소리듣기아동복지법상 아동복지시설내에서의 권리침해에 관한 법적 연구