Characteristics of Users Wayfinding Behavior in Subway Transfer Stations - Focusing on Dongaemoon Historical and Cultural Park Station, Express Bus Terminal Station, and Sadang StationRISS소리듣기지하철 환승역의 이용자 Wayfinding 행태특성연구
A Study on the Passenger Movement for Interchange Subway StationRISS소리듣기지하철 승환역사의 이용자 동선에 관한 연구
About6millioncitizensridethesubwayseverydayanditcarries34.6percentof alltransportationusers, hesaid.The Korea Herald소리듣기"매일약 6백만명의시민이지하철을이용하며지하철은전체교통수단이용자의 34.6퍼센트를실어나른다"고그는말했다.
Analysis on Passenger’s Vertical Distribution and Escape Flow relating to Location Condition of Subway Station in DaeguRISS소리듣기입지특성에 따른 대구 지하철 역사의 층별 이용자 분포와 피난자 흐름율 분석
Nearly8,000subwayworkerswalkedoff the jobyesterdayinSeoulandthenation'sthreeothermaincitiesbutthemillionswhousetheundergroundrailnetworksdailysufferedonlysomedelaysandovercrowdedtrains.The Korea Herald소리듣기약 8천명의지하철 노조원들이어제서울을비롯한 3개도시에서파업을벌였지만수백만명의지하철이용자들은일부열차지연과약간의혼잡만을겪었다.