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  • 쾌유 빌어요!


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다음사전 앱
  • Netizens left messages of thanks and encouragement, such as "Thank you for your courageous act" and "I hope you get well soon." 웹 검색 예문 소리듣기 누리꾼들 "당신 용기 감사하다", "빨리 회복되길 바란다." 응원했다.
  • Will the patient get well soon? 소리듣기 환자 좋아질까 (→ㄹ까)
  • I hope you will get well soon./I wish you to recover in a short time./Wishing for your speedy round./문어 I hope you will soon be restored to health. 소리듣기 하루 속히 완쾌하시기를 빕니다 (→완쾌하다)
  • I hope (that) he will get well soon. 소리듣기 좋아질 이다 (→ㄹ 것이다)
  • Well, that's a problem because one way or another, you have to get this guy moving because it's getting dark soon and dangerous. TED 소리듣기 이건 꽤나 문제입니다. 어떻게든 친구 일어나게 해야 하거든요. 금방 어두워지고 위험하기 때문입니다.

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